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Audition for the FIA 2023 virtual and live Showcases

2023 Showcases: Wanna Perform?


Once again, the Showcase of the Performing Arts will be a highlight of ACB’s Conference and Convention.


Except in 2023 there will not be one Showcase — there will be — TWO!!!


  1. The Virtual Showcase will take place during the evening of Saturday, June 24 in conjunction with the ACB virtual Conference and Convention, and will be broadcast live on ACB Media. A podcast will be made available in conjunction with other ACB convention-related podcasts. This Showcase welcomes performers who cannot attend the in-person portion of the convention.


Deadline for submissions: May 20, 2023




Please send material and/or information you want to be included in the Showcase to


If you wish to be a part of the Virtual Showcase, please note that the quality of the recording will be especially important as we decide what material to include.



  1. The In-Person Showcase will take place during the evening of Monday, July 3, in conjunction with the in-person portion of the ACB Conference and Convention. All performances will be, well, live. While this Showcase will not be broadcast live on ACB Media, it will be broadcast later, and will be available as a podcast.


Deadline for submissions: While there is no firm deadline, we would appreciate knowing what you are planning to perform by June 20, 2023 so we can start scheduling the program.



Please send material and/or information you want to be included in the Showcase to


If you plan to perform in-person, please note that we will have keyboard accompanists available, and that we MIGHT be able to put together a “house band” to back potential performers. Of course, you are welcome to accompany yourself or perform using a track. Details are still fluid (we are artists, after all), but we are tentatively planning to host a open mike event immediately following the In-Person Showcase. A cash bar will be available throughout the evening.


For both the Virtual and In-Person Showcases, materials might include:


* Music: Any style; original material especially welcomed. Your selection may either be sent as an e-mail attachment, or you may send us a link from which the piece can be uploaded. Please note that you MUST send us a performance if you want to be included in the Virtual Showcase. Whether or not you send us a performance, please send us your name, city/state, e-mail address, whether or not you plan to attend the in-person portion of the convention, and a brief description of the piece that you are planning to perform (to be used to introduce the piece).

* Prose/poetry. Original works preferred, especially if read by the author. Your work may either be sent as an e-mail attachment, or you may send us a link from which the performance can be uploaded. Whether or not you send us a performance, please send us your name, city/state, e-mail address, whether or not you plan to attend the in-person portion of the convention, and a brief description of the piece that you are planning to perform (to be used to introduce the piece). Please note that you MUST send us a performance if you want to be included in the Showcase’s virtual component.



In order to make it more likely that your selection will be included in either Showcase, please note:


  1. Each selection should not exceed five minutes, including the description of the work you are asking us to consider.


  1. We will consider including two contrasting short works if together they do not exceed five minutes.


  1. We prefer up-tempo to slow, but will consider anything.


  1. This is family entertainment; no profanity, please.


  1. Originality, professionalism, and flair count, especially for the Virtual Showcase.


  1. Please note that the FIA production team reserves the right to do editing or audio processing at their discretion in order to assure that the audience will get a high quality performance.


We will contact you well before June 24 or July 3 to let you know if you will be included in either show and/or if we need additional information.


Questions? Please email us at


Thanks for your interest. We look forward to receiving your material.


Friends-in-Art, Blind Pride, NextGen, and ACB Students

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